Nestled in the beautiful Piney Woods area in Tyler, Texas, is our Tyler office. Families in this part of Texas enjoy taking their children camping, fishing, and enjoying a rural lifestyle. Our East Texas families are known for their longevity with A World For Children, having several families that have worked with us since 1998.
The Tyler office is a fast-growing office with new foster families joining our mission! Our staff members are dedicated to supporting the families and children they serve, going above and beyond the call of duty to help parents and children be successful. The Tyler office serves all the way from Texarkana to Lufkin and everywhere in between.
The families in East Texas are skilled foster parents who serve children with a variety of needs. We specialize in helping teens in the foster care system have hope and a future with our L.A.U.N.C.H! program and have families who are known for their ability to care for children with primary medical needs. Several of our families have been recognized by the Texas Foster Family Association as being Foster Parents of the Year. Come see what all the fuss is about in our Tyler office!
Carey Hartin is the interim Area Director for the Tyler office.